Written By

Hayley Powell


Here at Trtl, we are passionate about adventure and we believe that all great journeys begin with a good night’s sleep! We also know that adventure stretches far beyond this, so we have created the ultimate travel guide set you on your way to having the best experience possible!

We have combined our knowledge and expertise to bring to you the best travel information from around the world. So, whether you’re a travel newbie, or a seasoned expeditioner, we hope that our insight can help you along the way!


The Ultimate Travel Checklist

We have done a lot of travelling and have packed our fair share of suitcases. We have the know-how so it’s only right that we share our travel essentials! Here’s our ultimate travel checklist, so you never forget anything again.

We have also created helpful resources packed full of travel information to make your travel experience that little bit easier.


Travel essentials:

  • Passport - A passport is the most important document to remember when you are travelling out of the country. It will allow you to leave the UK and to enter other countries. Without your passport you will struggle to get very far. Find out more information here
  • Travel Visa –   In order for you to be granted access, some countries require a travel visa, which will grant you access for a temporary time. This can last anywhere between a few days and a few months. Each country is different, so it’s important to do your research before you embark on your journey. Find out more information here
  • Insurance – Travel insurance can cover your for anything from healthcare, to loss or theft of personal items. It’s important to make sure that you take out insurance before you embark on your journey, as this will give you piece of mind should anything go wrong. Find out more information here
  • Flight tickets and Interrail Passes – Flight tickets and interrail passes grant you access to board the plane or the train, without them you won’t get very far. Always check whether you need to print your tickets or whether you can load them on your phone to prevent any setbacks on the day. Find out more information here
  • Trtl pillow – The Trtl travel pillow has been voted as one of the best travel pillows around by the independent. It is lightweight, portable perfect for travel. Never again will you have to struggle to sleep on a plane. You can buy the Trtl pillow here
  • Sun cream – Sun cream protects your skin from harmful sun rays prevents you from getting burned. If you are unsure on what factor you should be using, find out more information here
  • Mosquito spray - For those of you who suffer from insect bites when you are on holiday, mosquito spray can be your saving grace. You can find out more information here.
  • Allergy medication - If you suffer from allergies, it’s essential to bring your allergy medication with you when you travel. This can prevent any unwanted swelling, redness, coughing and hospital trips. Find out more information here

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